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By urbanrewild | October 13, 2022

Some nice news to have received last week 🎉🎉

Hi everyone my name is Sharlene Cohen and I have a start-up business called Urban Rewild.

I recently applied for a scholarship under the Regenerate Regional Leadership program – Eurobodalla, and in the last few weeks, I have been formally accepted into this fully funded 18-month program.

Regenerate Eurobodalla’s goal is to build community resilience through leadership.

The program is delivered by the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, and our very own local organization South coast health & Sustainability Alliance (SHASA), which I hope many of you are already aware of, and it is funded by the Australian Government in response to the 2019-2020 bushfires.

The purpose of the scholarship is to Grow my own personal leadership capabilities to operate in complex times and to bring wise and effective action for a shared purpose. To become a leader with the courage of an open mind, open heart, and open will.

Why did I apply for this scholarship? I haven’t shared the story a lot to a lot of people about my personal pain after the bushfires of 2019/2020. In short, I suffered ecological grief; I didn’t even know what that was. I couldn’t stop crying, I had days I couldn’t get out of bed, and my body shut down on me overnight, and I got really sick. I went from an active person to a person that woke up with constant pain; my body was screaming at me “LISTEN to your heart.”

But from that journey, I re-discovered myself, and I found my life purpose that our Nature truly matters to every living thing. We are truly one. And this is when Urban Rewild was created, and I have since become a Nature Based Therapist.

I know we are really a tough shire at the Eurobodalla. We saw that, but the pain still lives with many of us every day. If I can help others not feel the pain, and feel stronger and more resilient than I did when we face another devasting weather event, I have achieved my goal.

So, I want to explore what change we can implement in our shire to build a resilient and sustainable community for our youth and our young families as they are our future. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but together we truly can make a difference. That is what I am hoping to get from this scholarship.

If anybody has any brilliant ideas on how we can build a resilient and sustainable shire for our youth and families, pop a comment in the post or send me a PM. I would love to include your ideas in my project under the scholarship.

I am extremely grateful for this honor and opportunity, and once again, I want to thank the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, SHASA, and the Australian Government.

Super excited, and I am Looking forward to sharing my journey with you.

Australian Rural Leadership Foundation

Southcoast Health & Sustainability Alliance


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